Education packages
Enjoy a field trip to the studio, or have the event at your location
Volume discount for 50-99 paid participants is $1 each, 100+ paid participants $2 each. The discount applies to ALL the participant so it’s easy for you if you need to collect money from the parents.
We’ll provide a free item of the same type (mug/plate/bowl/two ornaments/one glass item) for the staff for every 20 paid participants.
The kids can use a template to plan out the design for an even better experience and result. This is useful if you have a curriculum topic to cover.
Mugs are always available, bowls and plates require longer lead time and have a $3 extra charge.
Click here to download a worksheet the kids can use to plan their design.
MUGS: $25 INCLUDING TAX for an in-studio event, $28 outside the studio
BOWL or PLATE: $28 INCLUDING TAX for an in-studio event, $31 outside the studio
Painting with grains of finely crushed glass, called frit, is similar to sand painting, but on a piece of clear glass. The kids trace the lines with a bead of white glue, sprinkle black glass grains on the glue and pour off the excess. Then they can fill in with different colours of glass. The baking creates sparkling works of art.
This project comes with an activity sheet that can be used to plan out the designs before the event. Each child does two 4″x4″ squares, and we’ll add a hook in a corner so the finished artwork can be hung in the window catching the light.
$31 PLUS TAX for an in-studio event, $34 PLUS TAX outside the studio.
These four inch sun catcher glass mosaics are fun to make and will look great hanging in a window. The kids will build the design from 0.5″ squares of glass in several colours.
Each child will do two 4″ x 4″ suncatchers.
$32 PLUS TAX for an in-studio event, $36 PLUS TAX outside the studio
The children can choose between at least 15 types ornaments, non-religious as well as Christmas specific items. After baking, the ornaments will be delivered with nice ribbons, ready to go on the tree or in the window.
The pictures shows a selection of typical items, there’ll be at least 15 types but we cannot guarantee any specific item.
Only $24 INCLUDING TAX for an in-studio event, $27 outside the studio
This lovely clay project is easy and fun to do. It’s built and painted the same day so you can pick up the finished items one week later.
First the children make a clay coil to go around the base of a plastic bottle. We teach them how to score and moisten the clay so that the pieces will stick together.
Then they get a slab of clay and a selection of cookie cutters to make four ornaments to go around the base. The holes are made with a straw or a wooden stick.
Finally, the children can paint the wet clay with our special glass green paint and a selection of colours for the base.
$26 INCLUDING TAX for an in-studio event, $29 outside the studio